
Monday, July 10, 2006

Computer | Data Backup

Computer - Data Backup

Computer data’s can be lost when there is a power failure; a faulty computer system; or someone or your pet trips on the extension wire and the power cut off.

If this accident happens when you were working on the computer the whole day. Ops! All data that you were working on is lost forever. This would definitely be the most frustrating moments in your entire life. I am sure that many of us would have this bad experience in losing data in some form or other. Well, the only way to avoid such a situation is to do a data backup.

What was discussed above was a mild situation of power failure. Ever considered what are the consequence if there was a fire and your system got burnt or if it was stolen.
Could you imagine what your loss would be? Several months/years of hard work all lost. Converting it to dollars, it will mount up to several thousands of dollars. Of course your hardware can be recovered if you had insurance covering it but not the data’s, which is lost for good.

Do not wait for the worst to happen before you start to consider about data backup.

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